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Georgia Wildlife Exclusion Repair Services

Searching for Wildlife Exclusion Atlanta GA? Perimeter Wildlife Control offers wildlife exclusion repairs and animal exclusion services in Atlanta, Georgia.

Wildlife Exclusion Repairs | Atlanta, GA

Why Do I Need a Wildlife Exclusion Repair Service?

The trapping and removal of nuisance animals in the home is only half of the problem. If the entryway to the house is not found, a new animal will take the old one’s place. This is particularly true of the spaces under porches, decks, and sheds. These areas provide ideal habitat for a number of animals. Our company can make sure that no animals invade your space again. Our exclusion barriers are built to last, and are 100% effective at keeping unwanted critters from getting back in.

The Center for Disease Control recommends sealing your structure if you have had an animal infestation. The recommendation is to Trap the animals, Seal the entry points, & Clean-Up their mess!  At Perimeter Wildlife Control, we specialize in all aspects of the critter removal process. Call us today @ 770-369-7713 to schedule 1 of our certified technicians to come to your property and begin the animal removal and wildlife exclusion process.

Rat Entering Structure Through Utility Entry

Rat entering a gap around a utility pipe that was not sealed.